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create extension if not exists onesparse;
OneSparse exposes SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS objects as native Postgres types. These types are:
                                                 List of data types
  Schema        Name                                           Description                                      
 onesparse  binaryop      BinaryOps apply a function to two elements and returning an element.                  
 onesparse  descriptor    Descriptors control specific details of GraphBLAS operations.                         
 onesparse  indexunaryop  IndexUnaryOps apply a function to a positional element, returning an element.         
 onesparse  matrix        Matrices hold sparse rows and columns of elements.                                    
 onesparse  monoid        Monoids apply a BinaryOp and an identity value to two elements, returning an element. 
 onesparse  scalar        Scalars hold individual element values.                                               
 onesparse  semiring      Semirings associate additive and multiplicative operators for matrix multiplication.  
 onesparse  type          Types define the structure and behavior of elements.                                  
 onesparse  unaryop       UnaryOps apply a function to an element, returning an element.                        
 onesparse  vector        Vectors hold a sparse array of elements.                                              
(10 rows)

Element Types

The GraphBLAS has both core types and user defined types that define the value and structure of matrix elements. Currently onesparse maps these Postgres types to GraphBLAS types. SuiteSparse provides a wider variety of numeric types than Postgres (unsigned ints, complex, user defined).

Postgres Type Name SuiteSparse Type Name
smallint int16
integer int32
bigint int64
float fp32
double precision fp64
bool bool

Types can stored in tables in the database, they can be created by casting the SuiteSparse type name to the type type:

select 'int32'::type;
│ type  │
│ int32 │
(1 row)
Matrix, Vector and Scalar constructors take a type argument. The name is implicity cast to type in this case. The two examples:
select matrix('int32');
│ matrix │
│ int32  │
(1 row)

select matrix('int32'::type);
│ matrix │
│ int32  │
(1 row)
Are equivalent.

OneSparse Name SuiteSparse Name
bool GrB_BOOL
int8 GrB_INT8
int16 GrB_INT16
int32 GrB_INT32
int64 GrB_INT64
uint8 GrB_UINT8
uint16 GrB_UINT16
uint32 GrB_UINT32
uint64 GrB_UINT64
fp32 GrB_FP32
fp64 GrB_FP64
fc32 GxB_FC32
fc64 GxB_FC64